INVNT EMEA ECD, Neil Mason and futurist Tracey Follows share insights with C&IT magazine.

In this video interview they speak with C&IT’s Editor, Calum Di Lieto about how futureproofing brands for the complexities of our increasingly networked world is key to helping businesses prepare for the next big thing.
Follows, founder and futurist at Futuremade, and a speaker at our recent digital event called REINVNT, says: “A futurist used to be just about making predictions and forecasts about what was going to happen in the future. People who were into futurology were also fiction writers as well as being into science.
“Now increasingly it is also about preparedness – so helping brands, organisations and businesses better prepare for what’s coming in the future.
“The world is much more networked now and that makes it that much more complex.”
Mason added: “Our mantra is challenge everything. The briefs that come in – it’s not necessarily the right brief for the client. So we do scrutinise and challenge everything, and that gets us a better result. Just working with digital and creative and platforms in a very different way.”
Watch the interview here.